If you like Scott McCloud’s books on analyzing the comic book form or you enjoy Will Eisner’s comments on comics and the form of sequential art then you will enjoy the free course Comics: Art in Relationship.
This course analyzes the question ‘What are comics?’ and the course instructor, Matt Silady, does an excellent job in providing an answer that can be tested with examples. There are 5 sessions but within each session there are multiple lessons. These include image and text relationships, thumbnailing, layouts and pacing.
The course material could be covered in a day however if you were to partake in the exercises it would most likely take longer. If you are familiar with the process of making comics and want something a little deeper on this interesting and challenging medium then this is a great course.
What makes it even better?
It’s free. Completely and absolutely free. Register an account and sign up and the content is there for you to enjoy. You can even participate in the forums for feedback. This was a real gem to find and I thoroughly enjoyed the material. You can access the content any time you want and take it at your own pace. I believe the course ends in Jan 2017 sometime but that’s plenty of time to make use of the course material.
By the end of the course you should be equipped to start planning and making a comic of your own.
Below is a link to the course. Enjoy!