Check out blog articles about CATAPULTED, comic creation and other cool topics.
18th April 2018
Ipswich Comic Con 2018
Ipswich Comic-Con, my first comic con of 2018. Did you attend? To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect but there was an indication that it may be busy with hundreds of attendees. I had earlier…
6th February 2018
Kickstarter – Things not commonly discussed
Kickstarter is a very interesting platform indeed. Now that I have more or less completed a project in the platform (I’m in the process of posting the last of the rewards at the time of writing…
16th November 2017
Big Cartel Store!
Kickstarter fulfillment is underway with a reprint of CATAPULTED (more details on why it is being reprinted in an upcoming article). However, I've had a few requests on where people can buy a copy of…